Disclaimer: The addresses posted on this sex offender registry by the Canadian County Sheriff's Office may be in error due to improper reporting by the offenders. PLEASE REPORT ANY ERRORS TO THE CANADIAN COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE. By viewing the following page you agree to our terms. You may also refer to the National Sex Offender and State Sex Offender websites.
Sex Offender Disclaimer
The Canadian County Sheriff’s Office provides the following public information on sex offenders that are required to register in Canadian County pursuant to the Sex Offenders Registration Act, 57 O.S. 581-590.2. The Act applies to any person residing, working, or attending school within the state who has been convicted or received any probationary term for a sex crime in the state after November 1, 1989, or has entered the state after November 1, 1989, having previously been convicted or received any probationary term for a sex crime. This information is provided in the interest of public safety to its visitors and shall not be used to retaliate against the registrants, their families, or their employers in any way. Vandalism, verbal or written threats of harm are illegal and can result in arrest and prosecution.
The Canadian County Sheriff’s Office cannot always guarantee the accuracy of this information. Habitual, Aggravated and Level 3 sex offenders are required to verify their home address every ninety days, Level 2 offenders semiannually, and Level 1 offenders annually. It is common for offenders to move and fail to notify the Department of Corrections or their local law enforcement agency of their new address. Reliance on any information provided herein is at the user's sole risk. The Canadian County Sheriff's Office shall not be responsible for any use or reliance on information provided, or the lack of any information present that might result in injury or damage of any kind.
If you see errors in the information, contact the Canadian County Sheriff’s Office.
Risk Assessment Levels
Level 1 - Low risk of repeat offense, and must register annually for 15 years.
Level 2 - Moderate risk of repeat offense and must register semi annually for 25 years.
Level 3 - High risk of repeat offense and a threat to public safety exists, and must register every 90 days for life.